

06/18/21 — Ada Broussard

Recipe and photos by Megan Russell.

Organically grown red potatoes with their delicate skins and silky flesh are such a treat this time of year. Whether mashed, roasted, scalloped, souped, chipped, or pied, they're a perfect vessel for so many flavors and textures. I can't get enough! I especially love this recipe because it feels healthier than a traditional quiche crust, and we all know that potatoes and breakfast go together like a bushel and a peck. 

  • 1 lb. red potatoes, skin on2 tbs.
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup milk 
  • Whatever mix-ins you like,
  • a handful each-halved cherry tomatoes
  • chopped green onions
  • chopped bacon or ham
  • shredded cheese or feta
  • roasted veggies 
  • dollops of pesto or chimichurri 

Heat oven to 400. Use a mandolin to slice the potatoes into rounds. I used the third thinnest setting. You don't want them too thin. In a bowl mix the sliced potatoes, oil, parmesan, and s&p, separating the sliced potatoes as you mix so the cheese is well incorporated. Best done with your hands. Arrange the potatoes along the bottom and sides of a deep pie dish, overlapping as you go. Bake the crust for about 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are cooked but not yet browned. Remove from the oven and lower the heat to 350. Whisk the eggs and milk in a bowl, then stir in all of your mix-ins and seasonings. Pour over the potato crust and plop in dollops of pesto at the end, just before baking. Bake for 30 minutes or until the eggs are set and the potatoes have browned. Slice and serve with your favorite hot sauce or plain greek yogurt.